Value Of Camera In A Smartphone

Category: Mobile 44 0

At this level, manufacturers are offering ever more efficient sensors and ever more advanced features to appeal to users.

The camera/camera is, therefore, a determining element when choosing a Smartphone. First, it is important to check the definition (namely the number of megapixels) of the photo sensor (s) present on the mobile. On the market today, there are smart phones with photo sensors ranging from 8 to 23 Megapixels.

In addition to the definition, to enjoy a high-performance camera on your Smartphone, it is important to compare the different models, the size, and the aperture of the photo sensors. A cell phone that is ready with a camera with a big aperture can capture additional glow, so the quality in low light is higher. Regarding the size of the photo sensor, the larger it is on your Smartphone, the more information and light it will be able to capture.

Other important features must also be taken into accounts, such as zoom, flash, not to mention the optical stabilization function, which makes it possible to limit blur or the available artistic filters, which allow room for your creativity (bokeh effect by example). Finally, make sure your device has editing options to edit your photos directly from your Smartphone

On the camera side, again not all devices are equal, some models like mi note 6 pro will allow you to shoot in a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels at 30 frames per second, while other models will allow you to record videos at 1920 x 1080 pixels ( full HD) at 60 frames per second, or still 120 frames per second. Some newest smart phones are also able to film in UHD (4K).

Other features to remember.

There are other features to consider and not to overlook when choosing your new Smartphone. We think in particular of the internal memory to store your various contents but also of the processor and the RAM (random access memory), which make it possible to operate your device on a daily basis with fluidity and speed.

Another point, the Specific Absorption Rate, more commonly called the SAR, must be verified. Recall that this is the amount of energy carried by the radiofrequency waves received by the Smartphone. It is, therefore, preferable to choose a Smartphone with a low SAR. Note that SAR is measured in watts per kilogram (W / kg).

Finally, depending on your use, other aspects are also important such as the presence of a dual SIM card slot, the integration of an NFC chip, a fingerprint reader, or again a facial recognition system for increased security.

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